We are Better Together
Better Together America is catalyzing a national nonpartisan support network of local and state democracy hubs paired with a collaborative national funding campaign.
By connecting and accelerating place-based, collective impact organizing efforts across the country, we are empowering communities to reimagine democracy from the ground up. By increasing community resilience and fortifying civic capacity, communities across the country will be better equipped to solve their biggest challenges and reduce the risk of political violence and division after the 2024 election.
Our expanding network of state roundtables and local “Civic Hubs” is supported by a national network of organizations paired with a collaborative and collective funding campaign to catalyze, strengthen, and unite the pro-democracy sector. In addition to activating Civic Hubs and fundraising, we are creating learning communities, a resource center, communication amplification services, and a set of shared evaluation measurements.
By connecting and accelerating place-based, collective impact organizing efforts across the country, we are empowering communities to reimagine democracy from the ground up. By increasing community resilience and fortifying civic capacity, communities across the country will be better equipped to solve their biggest challenges and reduce the risk of political violence and division after the 2024 election.
Our expanding network of state roundtables and local “Civic Hubs” is supported by a national network of organizations paired with a collaborative and collective funding campaign to catalyze, strengthen, and unite the pro-democracy sector. In addition to activating Civic Hubs and fundraising, we are creating learning communities, a resource center, communication amplification services, and a set of shared evaluation measurements.
Formulate Core Stratergy
A collection of local, nonpartisan organizations, groups, or individuals formulate a core team. This could include diverse sectors (e.g., government, bridging, media, mediators, academia, faith, business, etc.) or it could be one org or person willing to put the time in.
Community Visioning
The core team convenes and works with the community to understand the needs, vision, and priorities. This both helps identify potential needed collaborative efforts and builds civic capacity. Other civic capacity efforts include trusted local news, training, or identifying places for "democracy to sit down."
Connecting to Other Efforts
Where there are existing collaborative and participatory efforts related to priorities, the core team a) shares how important the public finds their work and any insights gathered, and b) works to build any needed connective tissue between such efforts.
Collaborative Problem Solving
Where new efforts are needed based off public priorities, the core team convenes members of the public, stakeholders, and decision makers to identify and solve challenges collaboratively and through inclusive participation.
Leader Accountability
The core team works with the collaborative solutions-oriented efforts to organize and build increasing accountability with relevant elected and appointed officials. Where leaders are not accountable, advocating for democratic reforms using the collaborative problem-solving model may be necessary.
Our Team

Jacob Bornstein
Executive Director and Co-Founder

Caleb Christen
Director of Hub Learning + Support and Co-Founder
Vinay Orekondy
Director of Partnerships and Co-Founder

Alyssa Newlon
Director of Development +
Strategic Communications and Co-Founder
Strategic Communications and Co-Founder
Mesa Sebree
Development Associate

Ryan Murphy
Digital Marketing and Data Specialist
Introducing Our Advisors

Mark Gerzon
Founder of Mediators Foundation

Keiva Hummel
National Coalition for Dialoque & Deliberation (NCDD)

Duncan Autrey

Kristina Becvar
Bridge Alliance

Kristin Hansen
Civic Health Project